Drawings and Projects
Serious People Building
Random Things
This is from a series of watercolors that celebrates what could happen when you have a bunch of assorted objects, an endless supply of school glue and a couple hours to spare. I currently have none of those things, but it's never a bad idea to plan ahead.
Uh Oh, It's the Alphabet
This book began as a drawing exercise. Letter by letter, I have been working through the alphabet, drawing the combinations that result in awkward, yet funny, situations. There are other details that include the dauntless main characters being members of a far-reaching agency for investigations, but that's a story for another time. For now, we'll just focus on the alphabet, okay?
This one is called "Queasiness on the Quarterdeck". You can see more
alphabet pages by clicking on
this squirrel.
How to Make Fun and Excellent Things
I'm a huge fan of learning how to make stuff. I feel like most people could make a car if they had the right set of instructions. This drawing, however, is about making biscotti.
Coming soon: tiling a bathroom, making apple cider, building a mud oven and renewing your drivers license.
Museum Survival Kit
Throughout my life, I've spent a ton of time standing around in museums: guarding art, installing art, visiting art.
I had always considered children the most dangerous visitors. They're very quick and erratic. But now I adore going to museums with my kids. This series is about that: the thrilling mix of boredom and terror.
This series of illustrations is based on exploring the unique set of skills possessed by kids who grow up in cities.
For instance, city kids know that if you give any of these seagulls just one french fry, all hell will most definitely break lose.